The Success Shop
Bought the Million Dollar Agent course?
My templates and letter packs are the perfect accompaniment.
Are boring sales letters sending your leads to sleep?
Quit leaving money in the mailbox!
Give your sales letters a personality makeover with powerful limited release sales letter templates that position you as the agent of choice. Always.
We all know an agent that, in person, can sell ice-cream to a lactose-intolerant eskimo … but when it’s time to whip out their witty written words, they struggle to get their letters read, let alone save them from being slam-dunked into the recycling bin.
Don’t be that agent.
Make your sales letters as persuasive, powerful and charming as you are.
(Okay, you take the cake on ‘charming’, but these templates will ensure your letters come in a close second.)
So whether you’re a courteous, caring communicator or your wordy swagger is as real as your Rolex, there’s a sales letter template to suit your style.
And there’s no need to worry about competitors cottoning on and catching up with your charming self; Each sales letter pack is a limited release and only available for a set, short amount of time before it disappears forever.
Stay ahead of your competitors by keeping your eyes out for new pack updates.
Ditch the hustle. Humanise your sales. Save the world from boring sales letters.
Your sales letter success is now at your fingertips.

But first, A freebie!
My 51 Point Listing to Sold Checklist is a blue print to rocking what to do and when for getting the most from your listings and sales. It will deliver more buyers, build your pipeline of sellers and build your profile and build tribe in your marketplace.
And it’s yours, FREE!!
This career changing list contains process for:
Just Listed
Price Change
Under Contract