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Creating chaos or working with structure?

In the Real Estate industry, we can easily find ourselves run off our feet and operating reactively in our business as opposed to proactively.

This creates chaos. There is no structure, no growth and you start to feel like you are stuck on the real estate hamster wheel of life.

Is this you?

  • You feel like you are wearing all the hats in the business.

  • You have no central focus and are operating on a ‘day at a time’ policy just to keep up.

  • You're drowning in paperwork and don’t know how to process and use the data to your benefit.

  • You don’t know how to grow your business and don’t have structure in place to be able too.

If your business is not set up to be a well-oiled machine, you are operating from chaos.

You only need to make a series of small consistent changes in your business to see massive growth, enabling your business not disabling it.

The best time to start making these changes is today.

Start small.

  • Get strict with your time and value it.

  • Audit your business, set goals and map out where you want to be and how you are going to achieve it over the next 3/6/9/12 months.

  • Put systems in place NOW that will help you manage future growth.

  • Always be re-evaluating your goals. This gives you room to pivot if circumstances or options change. Don’t be afraid to change if you have too, especially if you can see something that you are doing is not working!

  • To grow, you need to build a team and learn how to delegate. When you started your business, there often was no one else to depend on to get it all done.

Think of it this way… finding employees that can help you will save you money by giving you back time to focus on what you do best. Trust me it’s worth it!

Having the discipline and scheduling your priorities gives you freedom in the future.

Want help with how to audit your past 365 in business and life and set your future goals? Send me an email at

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