Whoa, what a year 2022 has been!
There are just a few days left in the year, but these can be hectic ones.
You might be frantically trying to finish all your outstanding tasks and finish your to-do list.
Before you shut down, there is one thing I recommend you do. (Can we turn everything on and off again?!)
We have been challenged both professionally and personally over the past few years. And it's been stuff that we couldn't necessarily add to a checklist or were able to make a process for.
We can, however, reflect on the year that was, celebrate your moments, and lay the groundwork for the new year.
Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed for a few hours and grab a notebook and pen.
Make a list of all your achievements.
Keep track of your accomplishments month by month and note the things that can't be measured. Did you make any difficult decisions? Has your business and the way you operate had to pivot and change?
Take a moment to reflect on all your accomplishments, both personally and professionally.
Put them all down on paper.
Take a look at your figures.
Make a note of what your income was in 2022 and what you expect it to be in 2023.
Map out how many listings presentations, listings, VPA, Auctions and figure out what your average commission figure was.
Look at your business and be honest, where did you fall short and how can you improve in 2020?
Later on, you'll use this information to determine how to achieve your goals for 2023.
Reflect and get intentional about 2023.
In 2023, what do you hope to accomplish?
I don't just mean in your business. This year, what do you want to experience?
Have you set health goals, want to travel somewhere exotic or buy a new house?
Make a list of them all.
We will now break it all down so we can build out the small, achievable steps you need to take to ensure your lifestyle in 2023 is what you imagined.
The first thing we need to do is figure out what income you want to earn. What would you need to earn in order to accomplish all the items on your list?
Let's break it down using your past figures as a guide:
To reach your goal income, how many listings must you sell?
In order to reach your goal listings, how many listing presentations will you need to make?
To get that volume of listing presentations, how many appraisals are needed?
Once you've mapped everything out, break your target into bite-size pieces - quarter, month, week outlining what needs to be accomplished.
Plant the seed for 2023 before you switch your phone to flight mode and check out for your holidays. Are you ready to have the best year of your life?
See you next year!