One of the most common hurdles I see real estate professionals facing is an age-old issue - burnout. Real estate business owners and lead agents are often caught in a cycle of giving to everyone but themselves. They put their teams, clients, and families first while their own needs barely make the list. It’s a pattern I see with my coaching clients—and one I’ve experienced myself.
Burnout, exhaustion, and running on empty become the norm.
It’s also a situation ‘2024 MASTERMIND. wIth Sherrie’ speakers Colleen Callander and Jellaine Dee are pretty familiar with.
“I was 36 years of age, I had three young children under the age of 10, I was general manager of Sportsgirl at the time and was on this fantastic career progression,” Colleen shared with MASTERMIND attendees earlier this year.
“I described myself in my book as a red Ferrari. But I was a red Ferrari that had never put air in the tires, never put petrol in the tank and never pulled into the pits or came off the track.
“I just kept going faster, and faster, and faster, until I felt like I hit a wall.”
Be kind to yourself
Colleen shared that while she was focused on becoming a leader by design - one that was kind yet set clear expectations and held people accountable - she forgot to turn that kindness towards herself.
“When we forget to be kind to ourselves, what happens is it can lead to resentment, it can lead to poor choices and it can really have a huge effect on our health and our self-care and wellbeing.”
You’re the Golden Goose
Powerhouse business builder Jellaine Dee echoed those sentiments, sharing with Masterminders that as business owners, and particularly high performers, we carry a lot of stress and that buildup of cortisol in our bodies can lead not just to a personal slump, but a major business nosedive.
In her presentation she shared the story of the farmer and the golden goose, which suddenly started mysteriously laying a golden egg every day.
This made the farmer rich, but he became greedy and wanted more, opting to sacrifice the goose in a bid to find the source of the gold.
But all he did was kill the source of his wealth.
“There are many things business owners can learn from this story and the first is that you are the golden goose,” Jellaine told us.
“You can profit for a long time through your skills and talents, but not if you kill the source of your creativity. Without you there is no business.”
How to protect the Golden Goose
One of my favourite comments from Jellaine was that as the golden goose you have to not just invest in developing yourself, but protecting yourself, and you should do whatever you need to, to ensure that happens.
For Jellaine that includes taking time to focus on big picture, strategic thinking.
For me, it includes taking regular breaks to recharge and making sure I fit exercise into my schedule (hello water aerobics!) multiple times a week.
Five ways to invest in yourself
Green days
A green day is a fun day you pencil - or should that be a permanent marker?- in your calendar to take some time out. It might be coffee with a friend, watching a movie or booking in a date night with your significant other. Life is meant to be fun, but only you can make it that way!
Love yourself
Many of us, especially if we’re people pleasers, spend so much time focusing on what others need from us that we forget to love ourselves. We toil away looking outward so that we can feel rewarded when, what we should be doing, is focusing on loving and honouring ourselves.
Jellaine said it best when she said, “You have an unlimited supply of love you can give to yourself”.
Set boundaries
You are your most important asset and you have to protect that asset. Boundaries are guidelines on how you want to be treated and the behaviour rules you set for yourself. One of Colleen’s clearly communicated boundaries was that if her office door was closed, then she was busy and no one was allowed in unless it was an emergency. But, if her door was open, anyone could feel free to enter.
Get comfortable saying ‘No’
This is especially important for people pleasers who love to say, ‘Yes’. You might get a warm and fuzzy feeling when you take on something on behalf of someone else, but sometimes it can be at the expense of investing time and energy into yourself or those highly dollar-productive tasks that keep your business moving forward. It’s ok to say ‘No’.
Work-life balance or life in balance
Work-life balance might be a well coined term but how realistic is it really? I don’t think I’ve ever met a high-performing professional in any industry that has their life and career in perfect balance - 50/50.
Instead of work-life balance, Colleen told MASTERMIND attendees that she prefers ‘life in balance’ and she lives a life where 80 per cent has to be in balance and 20 per cent is ok to be chaotic.
“When my 20 per cent of chaos starts to go to 30 per cent or 40 or 50 per cent, I know that my life is out of balance and I need to add, change or delete something to get my scales back in balance, so I can really perform at my best in all areas of my life,” Colleen told us.
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