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Writer's pictureSherrie Storor

Are you keeping track of your real estate listings? Here’s why you should.

Keeping track of your listings is not just a good practice—it's an essential for your success. Whether you're a seasoned agent or just starting out, keeping a comprehensive list of your properties can make all the difference in your ability to keep business moving forward. If you aren't already diligently tracking your listings, now is the time to start. 

Tracking your properties isn't just about staying organised; it's about staying in line with your goals and maximising your efficiency. It’s all about focus!

By keeping a close eye on each listing, you can ensure that no detail slips through the cracks and that you're always poised to take action when needed. 

If that hasn’t convinced you why, here are a few more reasons…

Keep Your Focus on Moving Properties: Your ultimate aim is to move properties from your stock list to your sold list. Tracking allows you to keep these properties front and centre, ensuring you're always working towards your goal of closing deals.

Comprehensive Resource: By maintaining detailed records of each listing, including price expectations, descriptions, seller details, agency type, and more, you create a singular resource that puts all the necessary information at your fingertips. This streamlines your workflow and eliminates the need to scramble for details when time is of the essence.

Provides You with Quick Analytical Insights: Regularly analysing your current stock list on a daily and weekly basis provides valuable insights into the status of each property. This allows you to identify patterns, spot trends, and make informed decisions about how to best allocate your resources.

So now you know why, what do you need to do?

  1. Make it a habit to analyse your stock list regularly. This involves assessing each property's status, evaluating any offers on the table, identifying hot buyers who may need a gentle nudge, and considering whether price adjustments or strategy changes are necessary.

  2. Based on your analysis, realign your listings as needed. This may involve pursuing offers from hot buyers, adjusting prices to better reflect market conditions, considering alternative sales strategies such as auctions, or ramping up advertising efforts to reach a broader audience.

  3. Don't be afraid to drop listings that aren't aligning with your goals or proving to be unproductive. If sellers are unresponsive or unwilling to heed your advice, it may be time to part ways and focus your energy elsewhere.

In our world, success is often a result of diligent habits and strategic decision-making. By keeping track of your listings and actively managing them to move properties from stock to sold, you set yourself up for success in a competitive market. 

Remember: we first make our habits, then our habits make us. So, make tracking your listings a non-negotiable part of your routine, and watch as your productivity and profitability soar!

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