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Seeking Inspiration from Outside the Real Estate Industry

One of the key learnings I have had throughout my career and from owning businesses across different sectors is to not get stuck on using case studies for innovation, problem solving and new ideas from just within your own industry.

There are many great examples of success that exist outside the bubble of your line of business and so many opportunities to explore what others are doing. The challenge then is to be able to identify these stories and to draw lessons to implement into your own business from them.

We’re all guilty of looking at what our competitors are doing and then taking the concept and trying to one – up it. But those businesses that are truly at the top are doing something different.

By staying in our real estate bubble, we are limiting ourselves, we can learn so much by looking at what other experts in their fields have done from business owners to not-for-profits, sports people and more.

Practices that are routine outside industries can be revolutionary in ours, especially if it challenges conventional wisdom within our industry! What better way to fuel your imagination than to look for inspiration outside your field?

True growth happens for those individuals and businesses that look outside of their own industry for inspiration and innovative ideas.

The value of what I have learnt and successfully implemented into my own business from outside of the industry was one of the driving forces when I was building out my ideas for ‘MASTERMIND. with Sherrie’.

We’re now into the 3rd year of the program and I put a huge amount of effort and thought behind who I select and invite to speak to the participants each year.

Each year I’ve raised the bar and in 2023 our speakers are icons within their industries.

The MASTERMINDERS will be hearing from:

Cathy Freeman - Olympic Gold Medalist - Disappointment can be a Catalyst for Greatness.

Ita Buttrose - TV Network Chair + Paper Giant - Success, Leadership + Building a Brand.

Victor Perton - Chief Optimism Officer, The Centre for Optimism - Positivity in Leadership. Maz Farrelly - Reality TV Director + Producer - Building a Celebrity Profile.

Bob Ansett - Founder of Budget Rent a Car – Building an Empire.

Sherrie Storor - CEO of Real Estate Nation - The Rollercoaster of Business.

Each offering massive learnings from their experiences and challenges on their pathways to success to share with those attending.

If you’re ready to take your business into ICONIC territory, the find out more and apply here:

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